Friday, September 27, 2013

Do dogs get diarrhea due to stress?

Yes, it is called Stress Colitis and it’s one of the most common causes of loose stools in dogs. It could also be bacterial, viral, a parasite, food related, etc. Given it happened right after daycare, stress is the most likely cause but it could still be something he ingested or bacterial.

You can call your vet and get their instructions over the phone. If you don’t talk to your vet, withhold food from him for a day, make sure he gets plenty of fluids, and then gradually reintroduce bland food (1/3 boiled skinless deboned chicken, 2/3 rice & you can also add a tablespoon or two of cooked sweet potato or canned pumpkin to help firm up his stools.). If he doesn’t get better in 24-48 hours or if he starts acting lethargic, take him to the vet ASAP. Dehydration is always a risk with diarrhea so get him to the vet asap for IV fluids if he shows signs of dehydration.

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