Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dog Quiz: Animal Planet

We know that dogs are man’s best friend — they usually enjoy running, fetching, gnawing on bones and showing complete loyalty to their owners. But how much do you really know about how Fido works?

start quiz

Question 1 of 10

How long have dogs and humans shared a close relationship?

5,000 years

10,000 years

15,000 years

The relationship between people and dogs goes back at least 15,000 years, potentially making dogs the first animals to be domesticated.


Question 2 of 10

Which is not a sub-grouping of canids?

foxlike animals

wolflike animals

North American canids

From about 15 million years ago, we can subdivide Canidae into three subgroups: foxlike animals, wolflike animals and South American canids, which includes the maned wolf and the crab-eating fox.


Question 3 of 10

Which canid did domesticated dogs descend from?




Domesticated dogs descended from wolves.


Question 4 of 10

Why should you carefully consider the breed of a dog before adopting it?

The breed might be a consistent winner at dog shows.

The needs of the breed might not match what you can provide.

The breed might be very expensive.

Each year, thousands of dogs end up in animal shelters and rescue groups for doing what people have bred them to do. For example, dalmatians were bred to have incredible stamina so they could run alongside their coaches all day — therefore these active dogs need lots of exercise.


Question 5 of 10

What can dogs use to tell what time it is?

the position of the sun

their episodic memory

circadian oscillators

Dogs might use circadian oscillators — daily fluctuations of hormones, body temperature and neural activity — to know when food is likely to hit the bowl or when owners are likely to return from work.


Question 6 of 10

What’s the smallest breed of dog?

shih tzu


toy poodle

The Chihuahua is the smallest domestic dog breed, weighing 2 to 6 pounds (0.9 to 2.7 kilograms).


Question 7 of 10

How many toes do dogs have on their hind feet?




Dogs have five toes on their front feet and four toes on their hind feet.


Question 8 of 10

What’s the tallest breed of dog?

Saint Bernard

Great Dane

Irish wolfhound

The Irish wolfhound is the tallest breed of dog, measuring 32 to 34 inches (81.3 to 86.4 centimeters) from shoulder to ground.


Question 9 of 10

Which spectrum of colors can dogs not perceive?

green to red

blue to green

red to yellow

Research indicates that dogs see colors, but cannot distinguish between the colors of the spectrum from green to red.


Question 10 of 10

Toto was played by what breed of dog in the 1939 movie “The Wizard of Oz”?

cairn terrier

Yorkshire terrier

border terrier

Toto, which was portrayed by a cairn terrier in the movie “The Wizard of Oz,” accompanies Dorothy Gale and her friends down the yellow brick road.


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